Sept. 27, 2022 Email

Sean Feucht, Glenn Beck and MORE this week on FlashPoint!

This Week on FlashPoint

Dear %%FirstName%%, 


Tonight, Lance Wallnau, Mario Murillo and Sean Feucht will be joining me on the program. I look forward to talking to Sean about his Let Us Worship event that happened in Times Square this past weekend, where over 5,000 proudly made a public declaration of their love for God. We will also revisit his new film, Superspreader, which arrives in theaters THIS WEEK!

Later in the program, we will welcome Patrick Delaney. Patrick is the LifeSiteNews reporter who broke the story about the pro-life author, speaker and Catholic priest who was recently arrested at his home by the FBI. 

And on Thursday, Glenn Beck and Chad Robichaux are scheduled to be with us. We’ll talk about Glenn’s new book, The Great Reset. Chad will be joining us from overseas, where we will be discussing the work he continues to do related to our Afghanistan withdrawal. 

Last week was very special here at VICTORY Channel! I had the honor of joining with dozens of VICTORY programmers and guests as we broadcast live for four nights during VICTORYTHON! Lance Wallnau and Hank Kunneman, along with many others, joined me on Tuesday for a special FlashPoint segment.

 Thousands of you got to hear the heart behind this network, this program, and the ministry and people who make it possible. Thanks to all of you who tuned in, who prayerfully chose to support VICTORY Channel and what we are doing here on programs like FlashPoint, VICTORY News and more. 

As you may know, VICTORY Channel is unlike any other Christian network: we are advertising free and not-for-profit…we do not charge any of our programmers airtime on the network and are not beholden to any corporate interests. This gives me and the FlashPoint team the freedom to share—with all of you—the truth that you will not hear in corporate media.

If you haven’t had the opportunity but would still like to become a VICTORY supporter, I encourage you to do so. You’ll be enabling us to continue broadcasting FlashPoint, like last Thursday’s program with Kirk Cameron, Dutch Sheets and Rick Green, and the other faith-filled programs airing every day on VICTORY.

Why We Do What We Do

FlashPoint Tesitmony

I was blessed by this testimony from Aaron and Melissa Solberg. It is testimonies like this that continually inspire us to produce programs and bring you panelists who will encourage and inform, being a source of truth and hope. 

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FlashPoint LIVE Phoenix

Make your plans today to be with me and a POWERFUL lineup of guests for two special nights in Phoenix. It’s all happening at Dream City Church on Oct. 20-21. On Thursday night, I will be with Lance Wallnau, Mario Murillo, Hank Kunneman and Dutch Sheets. On Friday night I will be joined by Mark Burns, Floyd Brown, David Harris Jr., Kari Lake and Dutch Sheets. I look forward to seeing you in Phoenix! As always, it is FREE to attend, but we need you to register.  Learn more at register at our website!

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Prayer Points

This week’s topics to pray over:

  •  That the federal and local educational authorities will have their eyes opened as to why having God back in our school system is imperative for our nation
  • For the Church to rise up and take a stand for our schools—both in prayer and in action.

This week’s prayer of agreement:

Heavenly Father, we come before You in the Name of Jesus declaring that our children belong to You! You love children and want all of them to come to You. We know it is Your will that they are raised up in the way they should go, so they will never, ever depart from it.


For that reason, we put on the whole armor of God that we might stand against the strategies of the devil—especially those geared toward the next generation and our educational system. We stand against the root of the issue, which isn’t any man or woman, flesh and blood, but rather against spiritual forces of darkness. We take authority over principalities, powers and spirits in heavenly places, declaring that this assignment of the devil to come against our children and our schools will not prevail!


And for those leaders of ours—up to the highest office—who don’t understand the true root of what’s happening, we forgive them. We ask for Your divine wisdom for them, for all those in authority, and we receive it for ourselves, too, so that we know how to conduct ourselves and lead our school officials in Your ways.


Lord, we know You have great and mighty plans for this nation. Things are changing and we’re not giving up. Having done all to stand…we stand! Jesus is Lord over the United States of America! The Great Awakening is here! Amen!


Scripture references:

Matthew 19:14; Proverbs 22:6; Ephesians 6:10-12; James 1:5, 3:17; Ephesians 6:13

Our family of ministries:

Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Eagle Mountain International Church, VICTORY Channel® and Kenneth Copeland Bible College®

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VICTORY Channel is dedicated to boldly broadcasting the truth of God’s Word to the world, and is made possible by the Partners of Kenneth Copeland Ministries.