June 13, 2023

FlashPoint Army Email

Let's make more waves!


Meeting in the tent at Faith Life Church in New Albany, Ohio, for FlashPoint LIVE this past week was transformative. Thousands of you in attendance, wonderful weather, powerful speakers, healings, salvations and miracles—the goodness of God—all were on display for those two days.


First off, a profound thank-you to Pastors Gary and Drenda Keesee of Faith Life Church and their entire Dream Team for sowing so much into this event. Without a doubt, that team of volunteers made all the difference and we at FlashPoint are grateful! And a hearty thank-you to Mario Murillo for generously loaning the tent!


Last but not least, thank you to all our speakers: Kenneth Copeland, Lance Wallnau, Hank Kunneman, Rick Green, Mike Lindell, Tony Suarez, Floyd Brown, Jim Caviezel, Eduardo Verástegui and Tim Ballard.  If you did not have the opportunity to tune in live on VICTORY Channel, I implore you to take some time and watch on demand now! 

FlashPoint LIVE Ohio Day 1


FlashPoint LIVE Ohio Day 2



Jim Caviezel and Eduardo Verástegui were on hand with us on Friday to talk about their new movie, Sound of Freedom, and more importantly, the topic of human trafficking. Sound of Freedom chronicles the true story of Tim Ballard and his fight to save children from the horrors of human trafficking. It sheds light on a very difficult topic. And to be frank with you, it was hard to hear. 

Child trafficking in the United States is at record levels. One of my key takeaways from Ohio is the responsibility we, the FlashPoint Army, have regarding the children—here in the U.S. and abroad. We must come together and stop the demonic pedophiliac agenda within our borders. 


So, while what we were hearing was upsetting, it has emboldened us to do everything we can do to stop it.  And WE CAN HELP. This movie is not popular in Hollywood, and there are agendas at work who would rather it not succeed in theaters. It is by bringing this situation out into the light that we can mobilize and become part of the solution. 

Purchase tickets for the movie yourselves, gift tickets, go in groups, buy out theaters! Angel Studios has given us our very own link to their site so we can show them just how much the FlashPoint Army wants to help make a difference and get the word out about this issue! Click the image above or visit this website to get tickets now. If you want to purchase for large groups, email groups@angel.com and let them know that FlashPoint sent you!


TONIGHT ON FLASHPOINT I look forward to welcoming John Amanchukwu, Hank Kunneman, Rick Green and Kirk Cameron to the program. We’ll bring the latest on the Trump indictment, talk about (even more) evidence into the Biden investigation, hear the latest on  Kirk Cameron’s book tour around the nation, and be encouraged by Amanchukwu’s pushback against the radical indoctrination bombarding our children in this nation. 


On last Tuesday’s broadcast,  Lance Wallnau, Hank Kunneman, Rick Green and Penny Maxwell joined me as we discussed cancel culture in light of Fox News canceling Judge Jeanine Pirro from joining us at this past week’s FlashPoint LIVE event in Ohio. Know this: together, we are making a difference! 


As Pastor Penny Maxwell shared, “We should be John the Baptist in a Herod culture. We should be willing to tell the truth and call out what is wrong, consequences come what may!” Here on FlashPoint, each one of us who lets our voice be heard—we are that voice in culture. We are telling the truth and calling out what is wrong! We are taking our stand in prayer and in love for this nation and for our God! 


For this week, I want to share with you the short but powerful prayer Kenneth Copeland shared at the onset of FlashPoint LIVE Ohio day one. 


“We praise the God of this nation. You saved this place and here it sits between two oceans like a jewel, like a diamond that’s been thrown across a world of coals. And we are so grateful. The people in this country are not trying to get out. People from all over the world are trying to get in because they know it’s special. Father, we praise You and thank You for saving it for us. And we worship You and we BLESS You in the Name that’s above every name that’s named. Thank You, Jesus. Amen!”

Stay in touch with all things FlashPoint! 

Our family of ministries:

Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Eagle Mountain International Church, VICTORY Channel® and Kenneth Copeland Bible College®

Fort Worth, TX 76192-0001


VICTORY Channel is dedicated to boldly broadcasting the truth of God’s Word to the world, and is made possible by the Partners of Kenneth Copeland Ministries.