July 3, 2023

FlashPoint Army Email

Celebrating 🇺🇸 our nation 🇺🇸 and what makes it great!

What a nation we live in! As we take time with family and friends to celebrate Independence Day, I encourage you to reflect on the enormity of the sacrifice of our Founding Fathers, and the Christian foundation upon which this nation is built. 


Fifty-six men signed the Declaration of Independence, knowingly risking their lives in support of a cause bigger than themselves. 


As we continue to contend in this culture war, and endeavor to shine light in the darkness, may the final sentence of the Declaration of Independence help us to recommit our passion and energy to the great call:


And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

Show your support for this great nation AND FlashPoint. Download this flag graphic and post it to your social media accounts.


Let the whole world know just how much you love America and that you are part of the FlashPoint Army!


On Tuesday night’s special Fourth of July FlashPoint, we will be discussing what makes this country so special. Included is a special segment from Tim Barton of Wallbuilders about this significant day.

And on Thursday, tune in to catch Dutch Sheets, Kylie Jean Tannehill and Eric Metaxas as we discuss current events and more. 



On Tuesday’s broadcast, we looked at how the Pride agenda is being revealed for what it is. Hank Kunneman, Lance Wallnau, Rick Green and Dr. Shea Bradley-Farrell helped us see exactly what’s happening…and where we can find the silver lining. 


Kari Lake also stopped by and provided an update on her fight for election integrity, as well as her new book, Unafraid. Hear what she has to say about the progress we’re making and how she’s taking comfort in “God’s schedule.” Amen!

Watch Tuesday
Thursday June 27

Thursday’s broadcast with Jim Caviezel, Danny Gokey, Pastor Landon Schott and Rep. Nate Schatzline was power-packed. What a wonderful testimony about how change IS happening and what can be done. Be encouraged! 


Finally, American Idol finalist Danny Gokey reveals what’s special about his new, patriotic album that’s sure to resonate with people of faith.


Also remember: If you haven’t gotten your Sound of Freedom tickets yet…it opens early in theaters starting today. Get your tickets now!

Watch Thursday

LESS THAN ONE MONTH AWAY!  Have you registered for FlashPoint LIVE Fort Worth yet! Join thousands of patriots as we gather to be inspired, educated and equipped to help create the change we want to see in this nation! 


Not only that—this event leads right into our ministry’s annual capstone event, the Southwest Believers’ Convention. Consider taking some time and immersing yourself in the Word, growing your faith, and walking away transformed. 


Both events are free, but registration is required. I hope to see you there!


Topics to pray over:

  • For revival in the gay community, that all would come to know Christ in all His fullness, and turn to Him
  • That people everywhere would be drawn to the new movie Sound of Freedom and become aware of the human trafficking issue in the United States. 



Today we agree with Pastor Landon Schott’s prayer:


“Lord, we pray for revival in the gay community. Like the prodigal son, we pray that Your sons and daughters would begin to come home. Lord, as they do, we pray that Your people would have Your heart and the mind of Christ, responding like the prodigal son’s father: Ready to greet them with a ring and open arms.


“Lord, we pray that Your Spirit would begin to minister to those lost in this sin. We pray that they’d encounter angels who would speak to them. We pray for dreams. We pray for visions. Even on social media, as the FlashPoint Army spreads Your love and Your life, we pray this message makes its way to people who need Your hope. Lord, give us a great love—Your love for this community.”


Finally, Lord, we lift up the release of the movie Sound of Freedom. Draw people to it, Lord. Bring a new level of awareness to people all across our nation regarding the human trafficking wickedness happening at our borders. Stir not only Your people, but all people to see what’s going on…and how they can make a difference. Amen and amen!


Scripture references:

Psalm 51:10; Luke 15:11-32; Philippians 2:5; Hebrews 10:24, 13:2; Joel 2:28; Romans 8:24-25; 1 John 4:19; Ephesians 5:11; James 2:26

Stay in touch with all things FlashPoint! 

Our family of ministries:

Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Eagle Mountain International Church, VICTORY Channel® and Kenneth Copeland Bible College®

Fort Worth, TX 76192-0001


VICTORY Channel is dedicated to boldly broadcasting the truth of God’s Word to the world, and is made possible by the Partners of Kenneth Copeland Ministries.