January 31, 2023 Email

FlashPoint Army Email: Jan. 31, 2023: Equipping

What God touches is eternal
FlashPoint LIVE Truth and Freedom Tour

Revival. We have been talking a lot about it over the last two years of FlashPoint, and increasingly since we have scheduled our first FlashPoint LIVE of the year at the very home of the Brownsville Revival of the 1990s. 


By definition, revival is a renewal, awakening, or increased interest in something. And we can all agree that this nation—indeed the world—is in desperate need of revival. This week we went down to Pensacola in preparation for the event on Feb. 16-17 and I had the opportunity to speak with Pastor Evan Horton about revival. Take a listen! 

Topics to pray over:

  • That this stirring revival will overflow across our nation
  • That, according to the promises in God’s Word, entire households will receive salvation, calling back the prodigals to Him.

Prayer of agreement:
Heavenly Father, prepare Your people for revival. Prayers and intercessions have been made, and Your Church is calling out: “Revive us, O Lord!”


We are full of expectation. We sense revival is coming. We can see the signs of the times. We can see sparks here and there, a stirring taking place. Now we pray that revival begins to overflow across our nation.


We, as the Body of Christ, repent and turn to You. We call our brothers and sisters, our neighbors and family, to repent and turn to You. Let the lost see that their sins can be wiped out, moving us into divine times of refreshing.


Bring Your signs. Bring Your wonders. Bring Your compassion and love to Americans everywhere. Bring Your fires of revival and let them burn in us.


Lord, as revival comes, we take hold of Your promises and refuse to let go. We’re standing in faith for entire households. We call for laborers to reach out to our kids, our spouses, all our loved ones; bring the prodigals back to You! We take authority over what binds our children and we release Your deliverance power into their lives. We pray they come to know You and discover the abundant life and freedom only You can bring. Amen and amen!


Scripture references:

Psalm 80:19, 85:6, 86:15; Romans 12:12; 2 Peter 3:9; Hebrews 12:29; Acts 2:3, 3:19, 14:3, 16:31; Luke 19:30; Matthew 16:3, 16:19; John 10:10

For this week, to “activate” is a very personal thing for each one of us. We all want revival—dramatic change and a turning in America, a reawakening to her biblical ideals and constitutional foundations. But that begins in you. And in me. When we, the people, reawaken to our need for God, the spiritual climate will change, which will lead to a change in our culture and the reformation we are so eager to see.  So we ask ourselves:


1. Has my love for the Lord grown in any way cold?

2. Have I let the things of this world take priority over Him in my life?

3. Have I allowed myself to grow weary?


We need to be transparent before the Lord. Get quiet before Him and let Him speak to you. He wants to guide you. He does not make it hard to hear Him…He is eager to direct our paths. 


Pastor Horton shared some great the keys to seeing revival, first in our lives then in our nation. They are prayer, preparation (repentance), persistence, proclamation, and being active in the PRESENT. Get in the Word! Make sure you are attending a faith-filled church, and if you can’t find one, watch mine—EMIC—online or on VICTORY Channel. Read the Word every day! Make it a priority to stop, pray and listen!  


Together, as we change and grow in Him, we WILL SEE THIS NATION CHANGED! Thank you for being part of the FlashPoint Army!

Our family of ministries:

Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Eagle Mountain International Church, VICTORY Channel® and Kenneth Copeland Bible College®

Fort Worth, TX 76192-0001


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