FP Army Email May 2, 2023

Tuesday, May 2 Equip Email

One on one with Donald J. Trump 🔥


Tonight I have the privilege of sharing the entirety of my sit-down interview with Donald J. Trump, the 45th president of the United States. In this candid conversation, he shared some of his personal story with us, we discussed current headlines and politics, and talked about his new book, Letters to Trump. The book offers a fascinating glimpse into personal letters he’s received from actors, politicians and world leaders over the years. 

I will be joined by Lance Wallnau, Hank Kunneman and Mark Burns for a post-interview discussion, which is sure to be lively and full of insight. 


This Thursday’s the National Day of Prayer in our great nation, and I look forward to welcoming Pastor Terri Copeland-Pearsons, Dutch Sheets and Pastor Rob McCoy on this very special FlashPoint episode. Let’s make sure we all are joining our voices together—this day especially—and take our stand in prayer over the future of this nation.


In response to NDOP, the team at Kenneth Copeland Ministries and Eagle Mountain International Church have created a special prayer download! If one can put 1,000 to flight and two put 10,000 to flight, just imagine what we can do as we pray together in unity!



There is still time for you to join us in person in Nashville, Tenn. for the two-day FlashPoint LIVE event with jampacked night sessions and daytime Flash Talks that will equip and mobilize you for action.


Not able to attend in person? Make sure tune in for our live coverage, not only Thursday, May 11, but also Friday, May 12, both at 8 p.m. ET/7 p.m. CT. 


“For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.”Matthew 18:20


Topics to pray over:

  • That godly lawmakers will lead our country, and those opposed to God’s ways will respond to God’s prompting and change their ways
  • That the Church will stand courageous and follow the Lord’s voice above all else.

Prayer of agreement:
Heavenly Father, You are our ever-present help in time of need! We call on Your Name today, asking for Your help for our nation. We pray for the lawmakers who follow You; that they hear Your voice clearly, obey and make way for Your healing of this land. We also pray for those who don’t know You. May they come to know You personally, to discover a relationship with You, and change their ways. And for those who are hardhearted, Lord, we pray that You steer their hearts in the way they should go. We call for men and women of integrity and conviction, people who will obey Your voice above all else, to lead this nation in the way You would have it go, so that we may lead quiet and peaceable lives.


And we continue to pray for an awakening in Your Church, Lord. Stir up the Body of Christ to revive and take action in our nation, from the local to the federal level. Remove any fear or confusion the enemy has tried to sow among Your people. Help each of us to see the proactive stance You would have us take, led by Your Word. We refuse to lean on our own understanding, Lord; rather, we acknowledge You in all our ways, knowing You will make our paths straight. You are our Shepherd and we are Your sheep. We love You, Lord, and we put ALL our trust in You! In Jesus’ Name!


Scripture references:

 2 Chronicles 7:14; Psalms 46:1, 85:6; Proverbs 3:5-7, 21:1; Isaiah 1:25-27; Jeremiah 33:3; Matthew 9:38; Luke 11:28; John 10:14, 27, 14:27; 2 Timothy 1:7, 2:1-2

Stay in touch with all things FlashPoint! 

Our family of ministries:

Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Eagle Mountain International Church, VICTORY Channel® and Kenneth Copeland Bible College®

Fort Worth, TX 76192-0001


VICTORY Channel is dedicated to boldly broadcasting the truth of God’s Word to the world, and is made possible by the Partners of Kenneth Copeland Ministries. 

Friday, May 5 Recap Email

Recap: Trump Interview and Nat'l Day of Prayer!


Tuesday’s broadcast of FlashPoint was really a landmark event. It was a pleasure to speak with Donald J. Trump, 45th president of the United States.  


If you did not catch the program, please watch it NOW! You will hear answers to questions like: 

  • Who is Donald Trump, the man? What does faith mean to him?
  • Where does he find courage and the warrior mentality he needs as president?
  • What are his thoughts on the current attack on all religion and most notably Christianity?
  • And much more!

Get a glimpse into another side of Trump during this interview. Pastor Hank Kunneman, Lance Wallnau and Pastor Mark Burns joined me for thoughtful analysis of the interview.

Thursday was the National Day of Prayer, so we talked about how to pray for our nation in faith with different kinds of prayer. Watching this episode, you’ll discover the power of praying from the Holy Spirit within you rather than just from your own mind, and the vital importance of praying every day!


Special guests on this subject included Pastor Terri Copeland Pearsons, Dutch Sheets and Pastor Rob McCoy. Make sure to tune in and discover how to have your own adventures in prayer! We offered a number of free prayer resources that I encourage you to check out and download today! You can find them on our webpage!


Thursday also was another first. I interviewed two pastors at Eagle Mountain International Church: Holden Hanley and Stephen Shelton, who minister to Gen Z and millennials, respectively. We talked candidly about what these generations are looking for and how to reach them. I really think you will enjoy this discussion!


Catch up or watch it again today and be encouraged that God is on the move in our children, our youth AND THIS NATION!

FlashPoint LIVE Truth & Freedom Tour

This time next week we will be in Nashville, Tenn. for FlashPoint LIVE! If you haven’t made your plans yet and would like to join us live and in person, we encourage you to register today! If you are not able to make it to Nashville, but would like to explore our upcoming FlashPoint LIVE events, visit our website to learn more. 


Otherwise, we will air both Thursday and Friday night’s programs LIVE on VICTORY Channel at 8 p.m. ET/7 p.m. CT. So be sure to tune in and be with us in spirit. 


Lastly, agree with us in prayer that the Lord will have His perfect way during this event, that His Word and message will be shared boldly, and that lives will be impacted and forever changed. We decree together, that America shall be saved!

Learn More

Stay tuned with all things FlashPoint on its dedicated social channels: 

Our family of ministries:

Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Eagle Mountain International Church, VICTORY Channel® and Kenneth Copeland Bible College®

Fort Worth, TX 76192-0001


VICTORY Channel is dedicated to boldly broadcasting the truth of God’s Word to the world, and is made possible by the Partners of Kenneth Copeland Ministries.