FlashPoint Army Email Nov. 28, 2023

We can't forget


Last week was Thanksgiving and we are thankful for YOU, the FlashPoint Army! As I look back over the year, I see so many victories I’m convinced are because of the prayers of God’s people. He is doing great things in our nation!


We have one last episode tonight in Texas before we head out to Pasadena. Tonight, I will talk headlines with the venerable trio of Hank Kunneman, Lance Wallnau and Rick Green. 


Up for discussion will be the recent cyberattack on a Pennsylvania water system, as well as current voting shenanigans in both Pennsylvania and New Jersey.


I also look forward to talking with actor Grey Acuna and producer Ariel Fernald about the upcoming movie Bringing Back Christmas.


Tune in TWICE ON THURSDAY! At our regular time (8/7C), tune in for a behind-the-scenes look and pre-event program. We will begin broadcasting FlashPoint LIVE Pasadena at 10/9C. 


Like many of you in the FlashPoint Army. I spent the Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends. But before you run to the mall with your shopping list, remember this… not everyone is in a good place this year. This season is not always one of joy for everyone. Emotions can run high. Relationships can be tense. 

Jobs are still hard to come by. Many are choosing between gift-giving or meeting basic necessities. Thousands have been priced out of the ability to afford a new home this year. Already high interest rates continue to climb, forcing many who might have bought a house a year ago to still rent.


Why do I bring all this up?


Enjoy the season as we celebrate the birth of Christ, but don’t forget your fellow man who may be struggling. The single mom who is working hard to pay the bills, those faced with mounting medical bills because of illness, those missing loved, ones and so much more.


As we remain in a spirit of Thanksgiving this season, I encourage you to be aware of your fellow man.  Lend a helping hand. Tip a little bit more. Find a need and fill it. Just be nice. Sometimes a friendly smile and a “Merry Christmas“ does more than you ever thought possible to lift someone’s spirits.  As we do all we can to save this nation, let’s do all we can to make these holidays a blessing for those around us. 


Last Tuesday on FlashPoint

On Tuesday, Mike Lindell, Lance Wallnau, Rick Green and Marjorie Taylor Greene were on tap for a full episode. We talked recent headlines, media bias and current polls. 


Lindell shared the latest updates on a Georgia ruling concerning voting machines. Hear why he said he’s been vindicated—and what comes next. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene discussed her book, MTG and we talked about the newly released J6 footage…and what really happened.


Getting into the holiday spirit, I interviewed Alan Powell, producer of the new musical Journey to Bethlehem. 

Watch Tuesday

On Thursday’s Thanksgiving special, Rick Green and I discussed some of our favorite historical moments from our nation. We see how much God has blessed us, and why it’s vital that we stick close to our Biblical foundations and diligently pray for our nation. 


If you haven’t caught this episode yet, be sure to watch and catch some Thanksgiving greetings from Jesse Duplantis, Lance Wallnau and Dutch Sheets

Watch Thursday


For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them. – Matthew 18:20

Topics to pray over:

  • That the Body of Christ remains thankful for all the good things God does every day
  • That the Lord forgives our sin and heals this great land of ours.


Heavenly Father, as we come before You today, we are thankful. We are thankful that despite the challenges we face, we live in a Christian nation, where we can freely share the gospel and speak Truth.


We’re thankful that You’ve made America prosperous—that’s a gift from You. You’ve made us leaders in this world, beacons of light that dispel darkness. You’ve made us diverse and yet unified as we stand for Your righteous ways together as the FlashPoint Army.


Father, we pray for forgiveness for the times people have used these great gifts of freedom to speak evil, oppress the needy, or ignore the unborn. We know You are looking across this land for those who will obey You and stand in the gap for the rest. Therefore, in obedience to Your Word, we humble ourselves, pray and seek Your face. We declare that America will turn from its wicked ways…for we know when it does, you will hear from heaven, forgive our sin and heal this land! Hallelujah!


Your grace is amazing and Your love is unfailing. And so, most of all, Lord, we are thankful for YOU. We love You. We serve You. And we can’t wait to see what You do next on our lives and in this nation. In the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!


Scripture references:

1 Thessalonians 5:18; Psalms 13:5, 100:4; Deuteronomy 8:18; Matthew 5:14; 1 Corinthians 1:10; 1 John 1:9; Ezekiel 22:30; 2 Chronicles 7:14; John 1:16


Stay in touch with all things FlashPoint! 

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Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Eagle Mountain International Church, VICTORY Channel® and Kenneth Copeland Bible College®

Fort Worth, TX 76192-0001


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