FlashPoint Army Email Nov. 21, 2023

Giving thanks and this week's news…all on FlashPoint



Speaker Mike Johnson fulfilled his promise and finally released the Jan. 6 footage. Many of the clips are already causing a stir. Tonight Hank Kunneman, Lance Wallnau, Rick Green, Marjorie Taylor Green and Alan Powell will discuss some of the most explosive revelations from the release. Mike Lindell will also stop by for a few minutes to give us an update on the voting machine trial in Atlanta.


I also look forward to reconnecting with Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene as we discuss her new project.


Alan Powell, producer of the new Christmas musical, Journey to Bethlehem, that’s currently in theaters, will give us some insights into this project.


All that and more tonight starting at 8/7C. 


On Thursday’s Thanksgiving episode, Rick Green and I take a look back into our nation’s history, and we hear from Dutch Sheets, Lance Wallnau and Jesse Duplantis.


This past week has been shocking! We continue to see universities and left-wing organizations come out in support of Hamas. This has exposed the indoctrination happening in the elite corners of society! At the same time, America is presenting itself as a close ally of Israel but continuing to send billions of dollars to Iran. 

What does this mean? This means that we are indirectly funding terrorism against Israel as Hamas gets much of its support from Iran. 


Be diligent to keep your eyes focused on Christ. Without this, we can spiral into hopelessness in this situation. Now the good news: there IS a remnant standing up to the rampant antisemitism we are seeing here in America. We must stand with Israel stronger and bolder than ever before! Let your senators know where you stand!


As always, pray for the peace of Jerusalem.


Last Tuesday on FlashPoint

Hank Kunneman, Lance Wallnau and Rick Green joined me Tuesday as we talked about how—while pro-Palestinian protests continue in NYC, over 200,000 people attended the March for Israel in Washington, DC. So good to see so many gather together and take a STAND for what we believe…and the world will see it!


We also talk about how the U.S. is starting to take a beating overseas. What’s the White House response?


Former SNL comedian Victoria Jackson stopped by to talk to me about her Christian influence in secular media, as well as her upcoming album and movie. This just in: Are some SNL comedians turning conservative? (Maybe so!)

Watch Tuesday

You can’t depend on the mainstream media to tell you all that’s happening. That’s why on Thursday, we began with a story about more pro-Palestinian protests. For a while, D.C. even had a lockdown. Why is MSM not reporting this?


Then I was joined by Skillet frontman John Cooper and Dinesh D’Souza to talk about the “woke” worldview that’s permeated so much of our culture today. We also talk about the projects each of them are creating to expose this darkness. God’s LIGHT will be seen (John 1:5)!


And…what is this “Letter to America” that’s gone viral on TikTok? If you’ve not seen this episode, be sure to catch up now!

Watch Thursday


For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them. – Matthew 18:20

Topics to pray over

  • That the Body of Christ takes up the sword of the Spirit, seeing God’s Word as final authority over any idea or philosophy culture introduces
  • That we speak the Truth in love as we contend for the faith.


Heavenly Father, there is a “woke” agenda being pushed on our culture today. It’s a worldview that says that anything is acceptable, that conservative values are “outdated and wrong,” and that America is not a Christian nation. As the FlashPoint Army, we disagree!


We know our battle isn’t against flesh and blood but rather against spiritual forces—principalities and powers that exalt themselves against Your standard. So today, Lord, we take a firm stand in the full armor of God, brandishing the sword of the Spirit against those forces of darkness. We declare that “Jesus is Lord!” and that Your Word is final authority in our lives. It helps us rightly divide truth from lies. Your Word is precious to us, and, as the Body of Christ, we put our faith in You and Your Word alone, which we know pleases You.


Your Word is the sole standard by which we measure all ideas and philosophies. As 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says, “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.” Your Word is our anchor and guide, period!


Finally, God, help us to use wisdom when talking with others about these things. We want to love others while standing for the truth. Therefore, we will speak the truth in love as we contend for the faith. America shall be saved! In the Name of Jesus. Amen!


Scripture references

Ephesians 4:15, 6:11-13, 6:17; Romans 10:9-10; Matthew 5:18; Acts 5:29; Hebrews 6:19, 11:6; 2 Timothy 2:15, 3:16-17; Psalm 119:105; James 1:5; Jude 3

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