FlashPoint Army Email Jan. 22, 2024

The United States is turning!

I hope you are as encouraged as I am in the shift taking place in this nation. Tonight, Hank Kunneman and Rick Green will be on deck along with Pastor Mark Burns and Dr. Alveda King, and we will be talking about some of these shifts. We’ll also unpack Ron Desantis’ departure from the presidential race, and how that will impact the upcoming New Hampshire primary. 

A thank you to the FlashPoint Army

Last Thursday, hearing from Tony Suarez about the events he has scheduled this spring on the border of Texas got me FIRED UP! If you did not have a chance to hear what he is up to, along with connecting once again with the incomparable Dr. Ben Carson, and the always informative Rick Green, you can catch last Thursday’s episode on demand by clicking on the image above.. We discussed primaries and how the tide is turning in the United States! Click the button to hear a heartfelt message from Tony Suarez.

A Special Thanks to You from Tony
Gene Bailey: My Thoughts



Well, we are still in January and 

Governor DeSantis has already dropped out of the presidential race.  This is just one of the many topics on my mind today as we prepare for another week of FlashPoint—encouraging and equipping you with the TRUTH and HOPE so sorely needed in America at this time.

But there’s more: We have missiles flying into U.S. Army bases overseas and here at home. The highly vaunted electric cars are freezing up at charging stations during this cold snap. 


These issues are just of sampling of those that reflect policies that are detrimental to the safety of our citizens and the future of this great nation. And I didn’t even mention what is happening at our southern border! Tune in tonight and we’ll see how much we can cover!


David Barton on prayer and fasting

This Sunday at EMIC, David Barton talked even more in depth regarding our nation’s history with corporate prayer and fasting. If you enjoyed what he shared on our broadcast recently, be sure to check this out!


“For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.”—Matthew 18:20


Topics to pray over:

  • That God would continue to speak to the Body of Christ clearly in these critical days.
  • That we would share His truth with boldness and love.


Heavenly Father, we thank You that in these end times, dreams and visions are being given to Your people. Even today, You are speaking vividly to Your children! Give us words of wisdom, Lord. Give us words of knowledge. Give us prophecy. And most importantly, give us the courage to share Your messages with confidence and love.


Help us, Lord, to discern Your voice, to hear Your voice clearly, and to never follow the voice of a stranger. Rather, Lord, give us boldness to follow Your voice when You call. Make the Body of Christ willing and obedient to make Your ways known to the world. May we show our faith through the way we live…as a light that pierces through the darkness!


As Lance Wallnau said on FlashPoint last week, “This is the year the church shows up!” We stand in agreement concerning this prophetic statement, and pray the world—and even the devil himself—would take the Word seriously! We do…and we acknowledge You in all our ways. Direct our paths and keep us from stumbling.


May your Church awaken, Lord. There’s much to be done. Help us to have eyes to see all the good things You have in store for the FlashPoint Army, the Body of Christ, and for America! In Jesus’ Name!


Scripture references:

Acts 2:17; John 8:47, 10:27; 1 Corinthians 12:8, 10; Joshua 1:9; 1 Corinthians 13:2; Isaiah 1:19; James 2:18; Proverbs 3:5-6; Ephesians 5:14; Romans 8:28; Revelation 3:22

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