FlashPoint Army Email Aug. 29, 2023

Discern Truth from Rumor: tonight on FlashPoint



Are you ready to see America turned back to biblical, constitutional values? Are you praying, sharing what you know, encouraging others to take a stand for truth? Are you speaking what God says, watching what words come out of your mouth? There is so much that each one of us can do as we stand for the revival of this nation!


Tonight, I look forward to speaking with Hank Kunneman, Lance Wallnau, Rick Green and David Harris Jr. on the program.  Up for discussion are the barricades now popping up in Maui—what are they trying to hide? Also, recent polling shows Trump support growing within the black community; we’ll dive into that and more tonight on FlashPoint.

Dr. Peter McCullough will be joining us in the second half of FlashPoint tonight. With all of the noise out there in the media about the resurgence of COVID, he will shed light on the truth!

Dr. Peter McCullough

Dr. Peter McCullough will be joining us in the second half of FlashPoint tonight. With all of the noise out there in the media about the resurgence of COVID, he will shed light on the truth!

Dr. Peter McCullough
Catch Tuesday's Episode

This last week we discussed current events with Hank Kunneman, Rick Green and Dutch Sheets and asked: Will these indictments slow Trump down? Or do they even matter? And what about Biden’s family business interests? How do they come into play? We also met with former Newsmax reporter Emerald Robinson and talked about corporate media bias.


But what really stood out was something we all agreed on: There’s something powerful happening in the spirit realm—a supernatural, global reset. Pastor Tim Sheets joined us for a POWERFUL word from the Lord that I strongly encourage you to listen to, if you’ve not done so already. It’s detailed and insightful about an upcoming “great shaking”—and gives us some action points as believers we need to take hold of today. In fact, if you’ve listened to it once, I encourage you to listen to it again! Take courage!

Tuesday's Episode


Last Thursday's FlashPoint

This past Thursday’s episode was filled with news! Lance Wallnau, Rick Green, John Graves and I started with a VICTORY News exclusive covering the illegal immigration situation on the border. You’ll see how it’s affecting children who’ve been abandoned there—or who have been used to get people with no relation to them across the border. Ben Bergquam from OAN also joined us to offer his perspective on the situation.


We also talked about Trump’s surrender in Georgia and what it means for the election, and—conversely—how his appearance on Tucker’s program stole the ratings. So, do you think Trump won the first GOP primary presidential debate…without even attending? 

Thursday's Episode


Let me encourage you. Don’t get weary in prayer. The one assignment we all have in common is to pray—for our leaders, for our nation, for God’s purposes and plans on this earth. I hope that the Prayer Points our team shares with you each week will help you, your small group, and/or your family pray the Word and pray VICTORY over your life and this nation. 

Topics to pray over:

  • The Church’s preparation and readiness for the supernatural reset on the horizon
  • Revival to sweep across our nation and bring us back to our covenant roots.


On last Tuesday’s broadcast, Tim Sheets prophesied about an upcoming supernatural reset. Today, we prepare our hearts for all God will bring our way.


Father God, we’ve heard there’s a prophesied “great shaking” coming to our nation that will “reset” us back to our covenant roots. We pray, Lord, that Your will be done! We long for a time when all people recognize Your majesty, respect morality and listen to Your Word. As Your Church, we embrace all You have for us. Send Your angels to prepare the way and to minister salvation to people across this great land of ours.


For a while now, we’ve prayed for revival to sweep through all 50 states. As a unified body, we shout down the walls the enemy has tried to erect to block people from seeing You. We stand against the evil one and any spiritual forces of wickedness in high places—because we know the enemy’s ultimate goal: to keep people from knowing the love of Jesus. In the end, the enemy only steals, kills and destroys; it’s in Jesus that we have abundant life—individually, in our households, in our cities and in our nation. So let revival come to the Church, Lord. Let it come to Your people. And let it come to our nation!


Because this great shaking is ordained by You, we will not be afraid. Your perfect love casts out fear. Rather, we rejoice. We stand strong as the FlashPoint Army and declare Your promises. We declare Your benefits. We declare that “Jesus is Lord!”


Scripture references:

Amos 3:7; Psalms 29:8, 80:19, 85:6, 103:2; Matthew 6:10; Hebrews 1:14; Joshua 6:20; Ephesians 6:12; John 10:10; 1 John 4:18; 2 Corinthians 1:20; 2 Corinthians 4:5


Interview with Senator Eigel

Bill Eigel, state senator from Missouri, talked with me about what he sees the situation in politics, and more importantly, the proper role of government in our lives. You’ll enjoy this!

Watch Now

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