April 11, 2023

Tuesday, April 11 Equip Email

New way to stay connected with FlashPoint, %%FirstName%%


On Tuesday, New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg charged Donald J. Trump with 34 felony counts—and the former president pleaded “Not Guilty” to every one of them. Jesse Duplantis, Hank Kunneman, Dutch Sheets and Rick Green joined us for an immediate reaction. We asked:

  • What is this legal action really about?
  • Was this indictment constitutional?

You’ll also hear Dutch Sheet’s eternal perspective on this and other matters currently in the news. He talks about how these are more than just modern problems; they’re about the end-time harvest—and that means we have a part to play…in action, in prayer and in faith!


If you’re looking for a partner to pray with you, we have prayer warriors on the line, waiting for your call. Just dial 877-281-6297, because we’re ready to stand in agreement together.

“Be encouraged and remember: This is not just a battle against us.

This is a battle against the purposes of God.”

– Dutch Sheets

On Thursday, Luke Ball, founder of RightLife Media, gave us detailed insights into President Trump’s response to the indictment. Mainstream media is also weighing in, as this story dominated last week’s news cycle. Hank Kunneman and Tony Suarez talked about how this political quagmire will come to naught, and how the Body of Christ has had enough…and revival will be the result!


We also discussed:

  • Why is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. filing for a 2024 presidential run—as the Democratic nominee?
  • Why is N.C. Democratic Rep. Tricia Cotham switching parties? (This was prophesied!)
  • Plus—a Missouri election update from Mike Lindell…and how they made it work machine-free.


With all of the content coming out of FlashPoint these days, the team at VICTORY Channel determined to set FlashPoint up with its very own Facebook page! For the time being, you’ll still be able to stream FlashPoint on the @victorychannel page. But take a moment, follow up and give us a review! 


“For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.”Matthew 18:20


Topics to pray over:

  • That God’s justice will prevail in America
  • That above all else, the Body of Christ will stand on the Word and walk in love
  • That revival will stir in the hearts of God’s people.

Prayer of agreement:

Heavenly Father, sometimes people in this world attack Your values and try to set new standards, according to the pride and whims of men. But pride comes before a fall! We see this narrative playing out in today’s news, but we thank You that Your hand is on this nation. Show Yourself STRONG on behalf of Your people. Vengeance is Yours, not ours, therefore, we pray that Your Will be done above all else. We put our complete trust and faith in You!


We will seek You, Lord, and pray. We will seek You, Lord, and vote. May justice prevail and our land be healed! Jesus, You are Lord over the United States of America. 


And when it all comes down, we pray that there be revival in this land. Stir the hearts of Your people and stir the hearts of those who have been led astray. Bring reconciliation when possible and help us all to walk in love first, sharing Your gospel with everyone we meet. To You be the glory and the honor. Amen.


Scripture references:

Proverbs 16:18; Psalms 51:10, 68:28, 85:6; Hebrews 10:30; Matthew 6:10; Isaiah 41:11, 54:17; 2 Chronicles 7:14; 2 Corinthians 5:18; Colossians 3:14; 1 John 2:16



Can you feel it? We are so excited to be in Nashville for our next stop on the Truth and Freedom Tour! I will be joined by Lance Wallnau, Hank Kunneman, Rick Green, Mike Lindell and Kent Christmas. 


In addition to two powerful nights live on VICTORY Channel, we will have the exclusive Flash Talks on Friday—morning and afternoon sessions—where you will be given practical information on how to get mobilized and activate, making a positive difference right where you live. The Flash Talks will not air live on VICTORY.  


We keep these events free to enable as many as possible to attend! I encourage you to visit our website today and register for our event in Nashville or one of our other upcoming locations.  

Our family of ministries:

Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Eagle Mountain International Church, VICTORY Channel® and Kenneth Copeland Bible College®

Fort Worth, TX 76192-0001


VICTORY Channel is dedicated to boldly broadcasting the truth of God’s Word to the world, and is made possible by the Partners of Kenneth Copeland Ministries. 

Friday, April 14 Recap Email

My personal experience this week in Omaha

Dear %%FirstName%%,


Tuesday night’s FlashPoint began on a very personal note for me. I hosted on location in Omaha due to the death of a loved one. That experience led to our first talking point: why are hospitals receiving profits when they account for COVID-19 deaths? So many of you have requested a copy of the document I shared on Tuesday listing state-by-state hospital profits. I obtained this from Dr. Robert Malone’s email subscription, and you can access it here.  


Thanks to Hank Kunneman and One Voice Ministries for enabling me to host from their studios! Rick Green, Dutch Sheets and John Graves joined us as well as we exposed the enemy’s plans. Truly, one must follow the money. What does the Word say happens to the hearts of those who follow money instead of God’s kingdom?


We also talked about updates on the Louisville bank shooting—including Hank’s prophetic word regarding these traumatic events…a word that will resonate with you in the days to come. Our land shall be healed!

Thursday’s broadcast began with a look at the state of the American Church. Eric Metaxas, Tony Suarez and Lance Wallnau joined me in asking: What sets us apart during this period of pressure?


We also looked at issues including:

  • California Governor Gavin Newsom’s view on “rights regression”…what does it really reveal?
  • The trans community is demanding respect…what’s truly going on under the surface?
  • Robert Kennedy Jr.…does he actually have a shot at a presidential run?

Lastly, Terri Hasdorff, author of Running Into the Fire, joined the conversation. She shared about her mission to help Christians understand why and how they should get involved in politics.


Catch up on it or watch it again here:

FlashPoint LIVE Truth & Freedom Tour

Thousands have already registered to join us at one of our upcoming FlashPoint LIVE events…have you? Learn more and register today!

Learn More

Our family of ministries:

Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Eagle Mountain International Church, VICTORY Channel® and Kenneth Copeland Bible College®

Fort Worth, TX 76192-0001


VICTORY Channel is dedicated to boldly broadcasting the truth of God’s Word to the world, and is made possible by the Partners of Kenneth Copeland Ministries.